
With pride, we present the collection

NFT Art for the 32nd Grand Finale

Through the collaboration of the WOŚP Foundation, SmartVerum, and the power of artists: Rafał Olbiński, Szymon Chwalisz, Sabina Maria Grzyb, and Marcin Mikołajczak, the FIRST-EVER IN ARTISTS' CAREERS unique collection of artworks in the form of NFT tokens was created! 👏

The collection dedicated to the goal of the 32nd Grand Finale of WOŚP transfers the magic enchanted in physical paintings into the digital world. Acquire NFT and join us in creating an extraordinary story!
Lungs after the Pandemic - we play for children and adults! 💛
REMEMBER - the auctions run only until the end of the 32nd Grand Finale of WOŚP (i.e., until 23:59 on January 28, 2024). Don't delay!!
NFT Pokój dziecinnyNFT NostalgiaNFT Wycieczka po godnośćNFT Ptasie opowieści

NFT Art for the 32nd Grand Finale of WOŚP

See what we have prepared for the winners of the NFT Art auction for the 32nd Grand Finale of WOŚP:
Zaproszenie na event VIP z udziałem osobistości z pogranicza technologii i biznesu
Gift - Surprise presenting your NFT in a physical form
Purchase Certificate - proof of supporting the 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of WOŚP through #NFT

NFT artworks put up for auction:

NFT Pokój dziecinny
Rafał Olbiński
NFT The Children’s room
NFT Nostalgia
Marcin Mikołajczak
NFT Nostalgia
NFT Ptasie opowieści
Sabina Maria Grzyb
NFT The birds’ stories
NFT Wycieczka po godność
Szymon Chwalisz
NFT The quest for the dignity
NFT Pokój dziecinny
Rafał Olbiński
NFT The Children’s room
NFT Ptasie opowieści
Sabina Maria Grzyb
NFT The birds’ stories
NFT Nostalgia
Marcin Mikołajczak
NFT Nostalgia
NFT Wycieczka po godność
Szymon Chwalisz
NFT The quest for the dignity

About SmartVerum

SmartVerum - building a modern ecosystem of solutions at the intersection of the digital world and traditional art. It transforms physical works of art into Web 3.0 in the form of NFT tokens, serving as digital assets and simultaneously confirming authenticity and ownership. SmartVerum supports all participants in the art market in simple and secure art collecting and investing.


Frequently asked questions and answers

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a way to describe the idea of an object in the digital world. Unlike an ordinary computer file (such as a photo, music or document), NFTs allow the owner of an object to be uniquely identified. At any one time, only one user can own a token, and can decide whether to leave such a token, sell it or send it to someone as a gift. NFTs are secure and their transfer history is complete, public and undeniable (thanks to blockchain technology).

There are many examples of NFT applications worldwide. One of the more prominent projects was the collaboration between the artist Michael Winkelman (working under the pseudonym Beeple) and the auction house Christie's for the Everydays. The British Museum in London decided to move iconic works of Japanese woodblock artist Katsushika Hokusai to NFTs, and the Belvedere Museum tokenized one of the world's most famous paintings, Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss"

Beyond art, you can find many fantastic examples of non-fungible token use, such as the NFT series announced during Art Basel in Miami produced by Porsche and unique series featuring celebrities like Anthony Hopkins and Cristiano Ronaldo

Want to stay updated on NFT projects? Follow our social media: SmartVerum.

1. Visit nft.wosp.org.pl/art - it is a dedicated page providing details about the auction. 2. Click the 'Bid on NFT Art' button. 3. You will be redirected to the Influ platform. 4. If you don't have an account yet - 'Register,' if you already have an account - 'Log in.' 5. You will be directed to a dedicated page with NFT artwork auctions. 6. Accept the terms and conditions and place your bid!

Each auction winner, after payment, will acquire the rights to a digital artwork in the form of an NFT token and associated benefits: - Invitation to a VIP event with personalities from the intersection of technology and business; - Gift - Surprise presenting your NFT in a physical form; - Purchase Certificate - proof that you supported the 32nd Grand Finale of WOŚP through #NFT;

*Note – this is not an auction for physical artworks;

By purchasing an NFT artwork, you enter into a sales contract for the NFT with Influverum Sp. z o.o. However, it is crucial to note that the amount received by Influ as payment for the NFT artwork is entirely donated to the cause of the 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP). In practice, this means that Influ makes a donation of the received amounts to support the charitable activities of the WOŚP Foundation. Therefore, by purchasing an NFT, you contribute to the charitable work of the WOŚP Foundation.

If you become the auction winner and make the payment, you will receive an email with a personalized registration link on the platform. influ.com. After registering on the platform, you will find your NFT and benefits in the Customer Panel, under the 'Owned' section. If you already have an account on the Influ platform, you will receive instructions regarding the benefits via email. Some benefits will also be attached to the email message.

By purchasing the NFT artwork, you support the 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and this year's goal: purchasing equipment for diagnosing, monitoring, and rehabilitating lung diseases.

Additionally, owning the NFT entitles you to attractive associated benefits.

As NFTs are a global standard, there are thousands of ways to store them. Some recommended methods include:
  • influ.com (recommended) - Polish platform for trading NFT collections operating in accordance with Polish legal regulations.
  • Trust Wallet - one of the most popular wallets for storing digital assets. Trust Wallet is a mobile app that supports NFT.
  • Metamask (mobile application) - like Trust Wallet is among the most popular mobile applications that allow you to store NFT.
  • OpenSea.io - The most popular exchange in the world, in order to use it and view held NFTs you must first install the Metamask extension.
  • Brave - a modern browser that has an integrated wallet that supports NFT.

There are also other ways to store NFT, but requiring more knowledge - such as hardware wallets (e.g. Ledger).

No. Despite the fact that both NFTs and cryptocurrencies share a common history and are based on the same technology (blockchain), they represent entirely two different classes of digital assets. While many token exchange platforms (marketplaces) operate based on cryptocurrencies, purchasing NFTs is possible without owning cryptocurrencies.

Yes, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are legal in Poland. NFTs are used to represent unique digital items or unique rights to such items.

NFTs are not subject to special legal regulations. Therefore, in the case of selling or buying NFTs, one should adhere to general legal provisions regarding the trade of goods and services, as well as regulations related to personal data protection and the security of online transactions.

If you have questions regarding specific legal aspects related to NFTs, we recommend consulting with a lawyer.

Blockchain technology acts like a global registry of information, in which the same information is stored in many places at once. Thanks to this, and through the use of a series of cryptographic mechanisms, the data stored on the blockchain network is virtually impossible to delete or modify. NFT is a kind of digital asset whose history can be tracked in blockchain browsing tools - such as https://etherscan.io/.

No, currently all blockchains supporting smart contracts, including NFTs (such as Ethereum or specifically Polygon, on which WOŚP tokens are created), have transitioned to eco-friendly technologies. This means they no longer require energy-intensive computations to maintain the network. After transitioning from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake in 2022, the carbon footprint has been reduced by 99.95%.
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